SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer Price in India
1499 694
SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer

SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer

1499 694

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Combo of Hair Dryer & hair straightener and Hair Curler is ultra smooth ceramic plates for effortless glide, provariable temperature control for all hair types.This hair dryer has been designed not only to give efficient drying to your hair but it also ensures complete protection. It consists of the narrow concentrator that keeps the flow of the hot air focused on a specific area on your head. This hair dryer comes with 1000 Watts of power that helps it in producing an optimum level of the air flow. The high power air flow, in turn, accelerates the evaporating of the water and the moisture content from your hair. Therefore, this high power provides gentle but efficient drying, making them healthy and strong. Apart from this, with the highly energy efficient power, you do not even have to bother about the increased electricity bills. The dissipation of air is a common problem in the conventional hair dryers, which makes them less efficient. The narrow concentrator, in this 1290 reduces the air dissipation to a great extent. In other words, the air in this highly efficient hair dryer comes out through an opening, which, thereafter, helps the air to concentrate on a specific area. It helps in the optimum use of the hair dryer. The concentrator plays a great role in precise hair styling and also helps in finishing a particular style or doing the touch up. The hair curler 16-B Hair Curler Show off your lustrous locks by curling them with this amazing 16-B Hair Curler which is exquisitely . A powerful styling tool, this hair curler is sure to give you those lustrous curls so that the world admires you. The barrel of this hair curler comes with ceramic tourmaline coating which ensures maximum heat conductibility and creates soft curls that last longer. This amazing hair curler comes with a cool tip which makes sure that your fingers do not get burnt during the styling process. As this cool tip is made of high heat insulation material, it doesn't get heated up with the tong of the curler. Heat Protection Stand & Light Indicator 16-B Hair Curler comes with a heat protection stand which can be used to position the device while curling or when not in use. The 360 degree swivel cord enables the hair curler to turn in all directions without forming any tangles. The on or off switch mechanism gives you a better control over the operation of this hair curler. Constructed with a tong measuring 24 mm in length, this hair curler makes sure that you experience a safe and effortless curling of your hair. Light Indicator & Slip-on Brush Attachment The light indicator equipped with this hair curler intimates if the device is ready for usage so that you have quick curling experience. This hair curler comes with a slip-on brush attachment which helps you in creating a variety of trendy curly locks and waves. You can create gorgeous curls in a jiffy as this hair curler heats up in just 30 seconds.

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SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer Price Comparison
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SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer

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SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer

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SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer

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SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer Price in India

  • Price of SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer is Rs. 694 at Flipkart in India.
  • The SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer is Rs. 694 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer in Flipkart (Rs. 694)
  • can help you save Rs. 805 on this purchase.
  • SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer.
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  • The latest price of SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer was obtained on June 6, 2024

Rs. 694 is the Best Price In India for SRMUKADDAM Combo 1290 , Mini straightener & 16B Curler PACK OF 3 Hair Dryer, last updated on June 6, 2024

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