Indian Institute Of Oil Palm Research (ICAR-IIOPR) Contact No.


All India Number(s): 

08812-259 532 (For Contact Support)

08812-259 524 (For Query)

08812-259 409 (Alternate Contact Support)


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Scientific Staff Contacts

S.No. Department Name Designation Email
1. Plant Physiology Dr.K.Suresh Director Suresh [dot] Kancherla [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2. Agrl. Extension  Dr.M.V.Prasad Principal Scientist Mv [dot] Prasad [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3. Agronomy  Dr.K.Manorama Principal Scientist Manorama [dot] Kamireddy [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4. Horticulture  Dr.K.Ramachandrudu Principal Scientist Chandrudu [dot] KR [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
5. Seed Technology  Dr.G.Ravichandran Principal Scientist G [dot] Ravichandran [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
6. Computer Applications  Dr.K.L.Mary Rani Principal Scientist Maryrani [dot] KL [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
7. Agricultural Biotechnology  Dr.B.Kalyana Babu Senior Scientist B [dot] Babu [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
8. Horticulture  Dr.P.Anitha Senior Scientist Anitha [dot] Pedapati [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
9. Agrl.Entomology  Dr.A.R.N.S.Subbanna Senior Scientist Avupati [dot] Subbanna [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
10. Plant Pathology  Ms.M.Amrutha Lakshmi Scientist amrutha [dot] m [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
11. Soil Science  Ms.R.P.Premalatha Scientist premalatha [dot] rp [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
12. Agricultural Structure and Process Engineering  Mr.Shivashankar Sanganamoni Scientist s [dot] sanganamoni [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
13. Seed Technology  Dr.G.Somasundaram Scientist Somasundaram [dot] G [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
14. Spices, Plantation and Medicinal & Aromatic Plants  Dr. Neema Mohamed Scientist neema [dot] m [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
15. Plant Biochemistry  Dr. V. Prathap Scientist prathap [dot] v [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Administrative Staff Contacts

S.No. Name Desgination Email
1.  Mr. T.V.Rama Krishna Principal Private Secretary Tv [dot] ramakrishna [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2.  Mr. S. V. Ramana Administrative Officer ao [dot] iiopr [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3.  Mr. A. Vijay Kumar Finance and Accounts Officer FAO [dot] IIOPR [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4.  Mr. P.Sai Kishore Private Secretary Putchala [dot] Kishore [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
5. Mr. Mohammed Ashhar Hayat Upper Division Clerk Mohammad [dot] hayat [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
6.  Mrs. Y.Chaitanya Lower Division Clerk Yalla [dot] Chaitanya [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
7.  Mr. K.Ravindran Assistant Ravindran [dot] Krishnan [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Technical Staff Contacts

 S.No.  Name  Desgination Email
1.  Ms. A. Bhanusri Assistant Chief Technical Officer Abbari [dot] bhanusri [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2.  Mr. N. V. Ganesh Assistant Chief Technical Officer Nagumantri [dot] Ganesh [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3.  Mr. P. Ramalingeswara Rao Technical Officer (Driver) Rama [dot] Rao [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4.  Mr. E. Perayya Technical Officer (Driver) Erasani [dot] Perayya [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
5.  Mr. V. V. S. Krishna Murthy Technical Officer (Library) V [dot] Krishnamurthy [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
6. Mr. Ch. Subba Raju Technical Officer (Driver) Challa [dot] Raju [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
7.  Mr. A. Papa Rao Technical Officer (Driver) Ap [dot] Rao [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
8.  Mr. M. Rambabu Senior Technical Assistant Meduri [dot] Babu [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
9. Mr. K. Ananda Rao Senior Technician Kandavalli [dot] Rao [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
10.  Mr. A. Dhana Raju Technician Anga [dot] Raju [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
11. Mr. A. S. Sabu Chief Technical Officer Sabu [dot] AS [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
12.  Mr. B. Muralidharan Pillai Senior Technical Assistant B [dot] Pillai [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Supporting Staff Contacts

S.No. Name Desgination Email
1. Mr. G. Raju Skilled Supporting Staff Gurindapalli [dot] Raju [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
2. Mr. G. Venkateswara Rao Skilled Supporting Staff Gullapati [dot] Rao [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
3. Mr. A. Ganga Raju Skilled Supporting Staff Anike [dot] Raju [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
4. Mr. K. Satyanarayana Skilled Supporting Staff Kistavarapus [dot] S [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Mr. Ch. Venkata Durga Rao

Skilled Supporting Staff Chongala [dot] Rao [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in
6. Mr. M. Appa Rao Skilled Supporting Staff Miriyala [dot] Rao [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in

Public Grievance/Vigilance Officers

Sr.No. Designation Name Contact Email Address
1 Principal Scientist Dr.K.Manorama 08812-259532, 08812-259524,
Fax: 08812-259531
Manorama [dot] Kamireddy [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in Near Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Pedavegi-534 450 West Godavari Dt. Andhra Pradesh
2 Administrative Officer Mr. W. Srinivasa Bhat 08812-259532, Ext: 524, 9951427598 dopr2009 [at] gmail [dot] com  

Research Centre

ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research
(Research Centre), Palode, Pacha P.O. - 695 562,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Phone: 0472-2840221
Fax: 0472-2840774
Email: sicrc [dot] iiopr [at] icar [dot] gov [dot] in


ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research,
Pedavegi - 534 435. Eluru Dist, Andhra Pradesh India.
Fax: 08812-259531,