Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 Price in India
450 349
Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

450 349

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Fall head over heels in love with nails that speak of earthy browns with our new Glossy Earthy Collection. Pearly Magenta, Sapphire Blue, Mahogany, Pearly Forest & Eminence will make you want to reach for delicate macaroons and swirly cupcakes Perfect finish Nails Every Time Intense and Drip Resistant Zero-chip Streak-Free Nail Colour Precise and Easy Application With The Flexible Brush Long Stay Nail Colour For those who live on the fashion fast lane, Juice nail enamels provide unbeatable full colors and smooth application with its superlative range of shades and a neat and delightful performance. From elegant classics & soft-shade nudes to soul mattes to shimery glitters to eye-popping brights and unique hue nail lacquers, we have every color you've ever wished for! These nail lacquers provide exceptional formula, backed with fashion-forward colors and iconic city shade names. These affordable lacquers are super rich, long-lasting, and chip-resistant offering you a luxury you certainly need! Features: - Super-rich, heavily pigmented and chip resistant lacquers, allowing exceptional coverage on nails. - Features fashionable colors and iconic, city shade names. - Long-lasting wear and high-gloss shine upto 7 days. - Apply 2 coats of Juice nail lacquer to nails that gives you both, the perfect "hot n happening" look, or the uber classy corporate chic. P.S. Let your nails do the talking.

Product Details
Website: Flipkart
Brand: JUICE
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Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 Price Comparison
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Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

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Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

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Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

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Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

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Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273

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Questions & Answers

Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 Price in India

  • Price of Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 is Rs. 349 at Flipkart in India.
  • The Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 is Rs. 349 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 in Flipkart (Rs. 349)
  • DTashion.com can help you save Rs. 101 on this purchase.
  • Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273.
  • DTashion.com is not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  • The latest price of Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273 was obtained on June 26, 2024

Rs. 349 is the Best Price In India for Juice Nail Paint Combo Mahogany - 96, Pearly Magenta - 188, Pearly Forest - 200, Sapphire Blue - 272, Eminence - 273, last updated on June 26, 2024

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