Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml Price in India
445 319
Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml

Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml

445 319

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What Ceramide Supercream does for your skin? Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer - Sodium hyaluronate is a uniquely cross-linked derivative of Hyaluronic acid. 1-2 million Da of Hyaluronic Acid are combined to form a densely hydrating molecule. It forms a dense layer over the skin’s surface allowing it to remain there longer, providing a deep conditioning and nourishing effect. Ceramides AP, NP, EOP - These are 3 of the 9 ceramides found in the skin. Ceramides occur naturally. They are the ‘glue’ that holds our skin barrier together and strengthens it. By helping retain water and moisture, they help to nourish the skin by calming sensitivity and improving the skin’s texture. Hydrogenated Olive Oil Unsaponifiables - This lipid derived from Olive Oil is extremely beneficial for dry and sensitive skin. It is believed to be 4x more effective than Squalane in providing hydration and nourishment, due to its broader molecule compatibility with skin. What Ceramide Supercream does for your skin? A small dollop every day will leave you with nourished and hydrated skin. It promises to protect your skin from environmental irritants while strengthening your moisture barrier over time.

Product Details
Website: Flipkart
Brand: Foxtale
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Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml Price in India

  • Price of Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml is Rs. 319 at Flipkart in India.
  • The Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml is Rs. 319 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml in Flipkart (Rs. 319)
  • can help you save Rs. 126 on this purchase.
  • Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml.
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  • The latest price of Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml was obtained on June 10, 2024

Rs. 319 is the Best Price In India for Foxtale Ceramide Supercream Hydrating Rich Moisturizer Strengthens Skin Barrier- 50ml, last updated on June 10, 2024

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