SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch Price in India
899 545
SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch

SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch

899 545

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FitnessD18 Band Watch is One of the most popular wearable got a massive health band. Band was a breakthrough because of its battery life, Free size. Then the MSEE Band Pulse added a heart-rate sensor, but took the RGB notification LEDs. The small OLED display is of the monochrome variety. It can display the time, step count, total distance, burnt calories, heart rate, battery percentage, and icons for notifications (messages, email, calls, among others).The screen is bright enough and is visible even under direct sunlight. And it blends well underneath the back glass on the band's front. You can measure your heart rate by cycling to the appropriate pane, or, if disabled, you can use the Fit app to fire the heart rate sensor. The band tracks your step count quite well and sleep. Its software automatically calculates distance and burnt calories and those are transferred to the Band Fit app upon sync.

Product Details
Website: Flipkart
Brand: SYARA
Color: Black
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SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch Price Comparison
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SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch

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SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch

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SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch

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SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch

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SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch Price in India

  • Price of SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch is Rs. 545 at Flipkart in India.
  • The SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch is Rs. 545 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch in Flipkart (Rs. 545)
  • can help you save Rs. 354 on this purchase.
  • SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch.
  • is not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  • The latest price of SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch was obtained on June 3, 2024

Rs. 545 is the Best Price In India for SYARA DBN_162T_D18 Smart band compatiable with all Smartphones Smartwatch, last updated on June 3, 2024

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